Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

Place of Exhibition in Marrakesh


Watch this page and read and watch a little to get an impression of the place, where we will exhibit in Marrakesh.

Good fun!

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012

Internet KUNSTtransit and Stockholm Supermarket Art Fair 2012


Dear colleagues,

The Stockholmers are really fast! The have already listed all participant and they are to be found under the above mentioned link.

Added to this: We have a new place to exhibit and do our work-in-progress in Marrakech. I am writing about this within my next Post!

Hope, you're all well and send loads of good thoughts to each of you,

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Good Morning Khartoum, Cairo, Berlin, Karlsruhe.....

here we go. This is our blog, that should make it easier to communicate with each other. I hope it works. For me it is the first blog too.

Wish you a happy, positive and energetic new year and will send this adress to your e-mails now.
With hugs and greetings